Source code for highfinesse_net.protocol

import logging
import asyncio

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class HighFinesseError(Exception): pass
[docs]class Protocol: """Protocol for the HighFinesse Wavemeter""" def _writeline(self, line): raise NotImplementedError async def _read(self, n): raise NotImplementedError async def _readline(self): raise NotImplementedError def do(self, cmd): logger.debug("do %s", cmd) self._writeline(cmd) async def ask(self, cmd, *args): if args: cmd = "{} {}".format( cmd, ",".join(str(_) for _ in args)) ret = await self._readline() logger.debug("ret %s", ret) return ret async def read(self, n): ret = await self._read(n) return ret.decode() async def ask_check(self, cmd): ret = await self.ask(cmd) if int(ret) != 0: raise HighFinesseError(ret) async def is_started(self): """""" return int(await self.ask_check("isStarted")) == 0 async def start_device(self): """""" await self.ask_check("startDevice") async def close_device(self): """""" await self.ask_check("closeDevice") async def get_temperature(self): """""" return float(await self.ask("getTemperature")) async def get_pressure(self): """""" return float(await self.ask("getPressure"))
[docs] async def get_version(self): """ "Device Type <int>, Version Nr. <int>, revision Nr. <int>, Software Nr. <int>" """"getVersion") ret = [] for i in range(4): ret.append(await self._readline()) return ret
#int(_) for _ in (await self.ask("getVersion")).split(",")] async def ping(self): try: await self.get_version() except asyncio.CancelledError: raise except: logger.warning("ping failed", exc_info=True) return False return True
[docs] async def get_calibration_wavelength(self, mode): """ x: 0 || 1 x = 0 :function returns the result of calibration laser before the last calibration; x=1: the result of the same signal is returned concerning the calibration effect """ return float(await self.ask("getCalibrationWavelength", mode))
[docs] async def get_frequency_num(self, channel): """channel: 1-8""" return float(await self.ask("getFrequencyNum", channel))
[docs] async def get_wavelength_num(self, channel): """channel: 1-8""" return float(await self.ask("getWavelengthNum", channel))
[docs] async def set_exposure_num(self, channel): """channel: 1-8""" return int(await self.ask("getExposureNum", channel))
[docs] async def get_exposure_num(self, channel, ccd): """x: channel (1-8) y: CCD-Array (1-2) """ return int(await self.ask("getExposureNum", channel, ccd))
[docs] async def set_auto_exposure_num(self, channel, enable): """channel: 1-8""" return int(await self.ask("setAutoExposureNum", channel, enable))
[docs] async def set_switch_mode(self, enable): """channel: 1-8""" return int(await self.ask("setSwitchMode", enable))
async def get_switch_mode(self): """""" return int(await self.ask("setSwitchMode")) async def get_channel_count(self): """""" return int(await self.ask("getChannelCount")) async def get_active_channel(self): """""" return int(await self.ask("setActiveChannel"))
[docs] async def set_active_channel(self, channel): """channel: 1-8""" return int(await self.ask("setActiveChannel", channel))
async def set_auto_cal_mode(self, enable): """""" return int(await self.ask("setAutoCalMode", enable)) async def get_auto_cal_mode(self): """""" return int(await self.ask("getAutoCalMode"))
[docs] async def calibration(self, unit, value, channel): """unit:<long>, value: <double>, channel: <long> units: physical interpretation of calibration value: use: 0 for wavelength(vac.) 1 for wavelength(air) 2 for frequency 3 for wavenumber 4 photon energy """ return int(await self.ask("calibration", unit, value, channel))
async def set_deviation_mode(self, enable): """""" return int(await self.ask("setDeviationMode", enable)) async def get_deviation_mode(self): """""" return int(await self.ask("getDeviationMode"))
[docs] async def set_pid_course_num(self, channel, wavelength): """channel: 1-8""" return int(await self.ask("setPidCourseNum", channel, wavelength))
[docs] async def get_pid_course_num(self, channel): """channel: 1-8""" return float(await self.ask("getPidCourseNum", channel))